Podcast: The unintended consequences of student loans

Every year, colleges raise tuition prices yet again. That’s helped create the student debt crisis, and it’s causing more young people to skip college altogether. But what’s the government’s role here? Is it making things worse? And if so, what’s the solution? Richard Vedder, author of
Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America” shares his thoughts. Read the interview, posted below, or listen on the podcast:

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2 thoughts on “Podcast: The unintended consequences of student loans

  1. As long as the feds continue to pour money into the college black hole with no accountability, colleges will continue to raise tuition. My college fo example. In the past year has loaded up on phony administrative jobs ostensible to run a better instutution, Totally unnessary.

    • As long as you higher education is subsidized cost will continue to skyrocket. The number one reason I don’t like subsidies is it causes pricing to become disconnected with what folks can afford. Just like the property tax subsidy in Vermont, the intentions were noble, however it has been the prime mover as to why k-12 education costs in VT have gone through the roof. As long as that subsidy is there, the disconnect will be there.You property tax rates will continue to outpace wager earners. Especially if you are not one of the 70% of the subsidized households. I paid over $5k on a 275k house in VT. I now pay $1.7k on a 500k house. That same house value in VT would of roughly cost me ~$100,000 over 10 years instead of the ~$17,000 it will now rough. That’s $83,000 in my pocked that now has been directed to my kids collage education in the form of a tax deductible 529.

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