President Trump’s 9/11 address at the Pentagon

President Donald Trump delivered a speech outside the Pentagon Wednesday on the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

His address honored the victims of the attacks as well as the heroes who risked their lives to protect others from certain danger. Watch to hear his powerful message to the American people on this day of remembrance.

Image courtesy of Public domain

4 thoughts on “President Trump’s 9/11 address at the Pentagon

  1. A fine speech President Trump, as expressed exactly all the points needed to be made on this 18th anniversary when the USA was attacked by zealots of an ideology that is flawed to the core. You gave sincere praise and condolences to those at the scene, their family’s, loved ones & to the Americans who are still stunned by these tragic acts of murder on our country. I salute all those affected, as it was Not “Some people did Something” as rep Omar said to a Hamas council.

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